A Few Words

About Us


A Few Words About Us

Brandon studied Environmental Education at Houghton College and graduated in 2014. Since then he has acquired many relevant skills, like gardening, fencing, raising pastured animals, and carpentry, which he now daily utilizes in the field of Permaculture. He has been able to blend his passion for the outdoors and the environment with farming and animals. He and his wife, Hannah, have two young children who love to be outdoors. 

Over the years, they both gained an even greater appreciation for their individual interests, yet they also gained a respect for, and interest in each others’ disciplines as well. You may see one helping the other out with a project here and there! 

They spent the year of 2017-2018 living off grid in a two room cabin in the Green Mountains in Vermont, and so learned a lot about preparedness, conservation, and sustainability.

Over the years they have acquired quite a few animals; horses, a parrot named Skittles, chickens, and two Belgian Malinois dogs, named Gideon and Buffy, the former of whom is trained in search and rescue operations!

Brandon not only does permaculture landscape design, but also has simple packages to make an instant garden with Backyard Pantry. This is a simple way to design a basic garden in your own backyard. His goal is to enable everyone to make the best use of their land as possible by utilizing edible landscaping and permaculture techniques. 

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Seeds Planted
New Veggies
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Hours Gardening
Happy Flowers